- Female Domination lifestyle Personals.

Melmarie2326, Garrison Maryland

Looking for:

"... ..."

QueenTitania19, Garrison Maryland

Looking for:

"... Looking for a payout to humiliate ..."

Englishrebekah, Garrison Maryland

Looking for:

"... looking for some fun. I’m an kinky, directive, with a strong foot fetish. I’m very open minded, fun loving and respectful of all people. I’m definitely looking for someone similar, who is open, super cool and looking for some new adventures in life! ..."

Curves4funsi, Garrison Maryland

Looking for:

"... ..."

GeorgiaPayne, Garrison Maryland

Looking for:

"... My life of BDSM began in New York. I was a mere 21 years old and still in college when a group of us would frequent the popular S/M clubs. I used to just go and watch –a complete voyeur! Later, I started going by Myself when the novelty wore off for My friends. I was intrigued and wanted to participate, but didn't know how to get involved. I decided to do a paper on S/M while in school, and made an appointment to visit one of the local BDSM clubs in the city. I interviewed the ladies, and even did a few "cameos" during My jaunt. I was impressed by the intellect and creativity of the Mistresses. For them, having men grovel at their feet all day was a way of life. I asked if I could come back for a second interview. This time I fully participated –commanding slaves to do things for me, to satisfy whatever desire I had at the moment, and then punishing them if they didn't meet My standards. I was a complete natural! I loved having that power and I felt that I deserved it. It was as if I had found My place, My home. I took a good long look at My life up to that point and realized that I had been dominating men on some level all along; only I didn't know there was a name for it. ..."