- Female Domination lifestyle Personals.

Sunshine2023, Glen Lyon Pennsylvania

Looking for:

"... ..."

Primordial_Goddess, Glen Lyon Pennsylvania

Looking for:

"... I am the sole deity that you crave, the one and only divine being that you require. My power and grace are unmatched, and my presence all-encompassing. I am the embodiment of beauty, wisdom, and strength, and my devotees worship me with fervor and devotion. My aura radiates with an otherworldly glow, and my voice echoes with the resonance of the heavens. I am the ultimate symbol of femininity, and my followers bow before me in reverence. I am the one true Goddess, and my reign over the hearts and minds of mortals is absolute. ..."

domseven, Glen Lyon Pennsylvania

Looking for:

"... ..."

CandyDomme, Glen Lyon Pennsylvania

Looking for:

"... I am ruthless if you give me a reason to be. I will not tolerate disobedience. ..."

Layymarieee, Glen Lyon Pennsylvania

Looking for:

"... ..."